Saturday, August 29, 2009

Courting ~ Day 5

Saturday, July 18, 2009

For breakfast we made pancakes. I think I grossed Russell out when I told him we make hearty, pizza pancakes. In the end, his favorite was ham and cheese pancakes. He had fun trying out our special pancake griddle.

Looking somber. Russell's trying to decide what to do with his pancake. Hey, these decisions are hard to make when you have such a large variety of toppings! (chuckle)

Russell: Don't take pictures of me when I'm, drinking. (giggle)

When Russell first gave me Russell Bear I thought he might make a good chaperone. But, in the end we came to the conclusion that he was a little big and we liked looking at each other. However, he did get one picture between the two of us.

The bear was sad that Russell was leaving. He made me sad too. =(

Russell: Girl, don't you even think about winning!

But I did! =D Russell won the game we played on Monday. I wasn't concentrating on the game enough. It's kinda hard to think when he's looking at me.

I had another surprise for Russell. For about 3 years I had this tie in my hope chest, just waiting for the right man to give it to. God decided Russell was the one!

He liked the tie a lot!

But I think he liked the card that came with it even better...

As 7-year-old Karen said, "When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you." Do you see the stars? Hmm.... Maybe I just felt them. Y

The Kamps are Canadian missionaries who were working with us and have recently taken over the work of missionaries who had to leave the country. The Kamps are our dear friends. The two youngest Kamps girls, Grace and Annika, weren't too keen on the idea of Russell stealing me away. After an email from Mrs. Kamps about her girls' reactions (bitter-sweet and funny too) about Russell and me courting, Russell decided to win Grace's heart. He's good with kids. So, he did a couple of tricks with Grace when the whole family came by for coffee on Saturday evening.

I think that by the end of the night Grace was okay with the idea of me marrying a guy that I "don't even know" and hopefully convinced that Russell didn't just want to take all my money (I have so much! (giggle) "like that lady [Barney's boarding house renter] on Andy Griffith, when the guy said he was going to marry her and he just wanted her purse full of money, then he didn't want to marry her anymore." (chuckle) I love my little friends. I'm glad to know everyone is so protective of me.

That evening we went for a nice bike ride.

My guy. I think he's very handsome. =)

See Russell's picture post (HERE).

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