Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pre-Wedding Primp-Time

The big day has finally arrived!

From my journal:
"I set my alarm for 5:45am and got right in the shower. Mom came into the bathroom and said happily, "Today's the day!" Dad went to get us all breakfast from McDonalds. I ate most of it, but my stomach had butterflies in it and just the action of opening my mouth to eat made me feel sick. I got my hair in rollers and then settled on Mom and Dad's bed to write my last blog post as a single girl. Mom commented to me how normal and natural this day feels. She said it proves to her how right Russell's and my union is. I agree. This morning felt like a Sunday morning…just a normal day--not my wedding day. Besides my stomach being a little edgy I felt perfectly fine. Perfectly content. I knew and could sense God's presence all over me and the whole day ahead."

"We hurriedly got ready. Josiah took a shower at the Maynards' house, because Lydia was hogging the bathroom. She spent more time in there than I did. =D We saw Bro. Nick, Aaron, and Mrs. Judy as we were climbing into the Caddy to head for the church. (It was past 9:00am, and the photographer was going to meet us at the church at 9:30am.) It was funny to have people see me, because I was outside in the old, hand-me-down jean dress Mrs. Erdman gave me years ago, wearing Russell's over-sized orange jacket, with sneakers on, and blue and pink rollers in my hair. I must have looked like a sight! =D The only part of me that was ready was my face--I had my make-up done. As we pulled out to leave the property I maneuvered Russell's jacket so it was blocking me from view. Russell was just coming out of his parents' house to get in his truck when we passed him. We both caught a glimpse of each other and laughed. I quickly ducked behind his jacket. Bro. Buddy was walking out behind Russell and laughed with us. It was a lot of fun! I'm so glad I saw Russell, just for a minute, before the ceremony."

Mom was busy, busy!

Mom: "If you poke me...."

*The sneaker story*
Yes, those are sneakers on my feet! Russell bought me some little ballet slippers so I would be comfortable for the duration of our (long) day. Well, my wedding dress came off the sewing machine slightly longer than we had planned, and my ballet slippers were flat (you can see them in the corner of this pic). I had some pretty sandals with a heel which I could have worn, the only problem is that they were at the hotel, where Russell had parked our truck full of honeymoon luggage. Thus, the sneakers! Russell had actually just bought them for me several days previous while we were shopping at the mall. It's kinda funny, because Mom had joked about me wearing sneakers and surprising Russell--she knew he would laugh about it. It worked out how Mom wanted it in the end!

I was comfortable all day long!

Knowing my love for purses, Russell bought me this little white purse.

Lydia's bouquet and Russell's ring.

Aunt Erica cried when she saw me. She let me borrow her veil, which fit so perfectly. It had the same kind of scalloping that matched so nicely with the drapes on my Colonial gown and was edged with pearl beads, matching my pearl-and-rhinestone tiara and jewelry.

I did a double take upon seeing this double girl. It looks like a mirror reflection, only there's the slight problem of one girl having a tooth brush in her mouth and the other wearing a veil and tiara. Then Russell cleared it up for me: It's Lydia and me facing each other. Now I know why people say Lydia and I could be twins!!!

A bride walked off the Ark with the rest of Noah's animals.
As you can tell, we were holed up in the church nursery.

Lip gloss--that essential thing!

Praying with my girls. I tried and tried not to, but I still did it---I cried.

"Around 10:25am, or so, my bridesmaids gathered around with me and I prayed. I got so choked up as I thanked the Lord for letting me live to see this day. I asked that He would help us all not to be nervous and that when we stood on the podium people would not see us, but Christ shining through us. "

I have loved praying with Lydia through our growing up years.
I knew I would miss it.

One happy bride...with a Kleenex!

I am attempting to fix my smeared make-up after crying.

I laughed as I exclaimed to the girls watching me, "Hey, this is my wedding day! If I want to cry and look like a mess that is my privilege." It was a day of joyful tears and I wasn't about to let the fear of make-up smearing get in the way of enjoying my day to the fullest extent.

Lydia and Mrs. Chris are two peas in a pod! They really got close during our visit.

Studying the ceremony bulletin.
I was worried about messing up or forgetting something in front of all those people.

Just like Mom and Dad did before their wedding---Russell and I read through Psalms all the way until our wedding day. In this picture I was reading Psalm 150.

It started with this Bible. God told me Russell was going to be my husband on December 29, 2008. As a little girl I heard my mom talk about how Daddy gave her a Bible when they met and began courting. I always wished my husband would give me a Bible. I thought that was the ultimate in romantic! The same day God told me "yes" about Russell is the day a late Christmas gift arrived in the mail--Russell's Bible for me, his future bride.

Our wedding was such a huge event that all of Noah's animals wanted in on it too! It's a good thing Lydia didn't see those elephants behind her; she would have screamed!!!

My mom & Russell's mom.

I got this text from Bro. Buddy, my father-in-law, a few minutes before the ceremony started. It warmed my heart.

Holly, Paige, and Jewel all pretty in their dresses.

I love that Bible, not only because it is God's Word and my most prized possession, but because the man I love gave it to me. I was thrilled that the photographer caught me with my Bible!

Soon, soon...and I would see his face!

Holly, my cousin, and Aunt Erica.

Lydia's bracelet.

Lydia's and my last moments together before the wedding started.

The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage.
~ Psalms 16:6

1 comment:

Naomi Ungry said...

Hannah, I wish I had time to express all that is in my heart as I read your posts. I'm glad Lydia was able to get so many hundreds of pictures of your wedding day! Those sweet memories will never be lost.

Things have been busy in Iowa! Last week we went to a cookout at Uncle Terry's (down the street), enjoyed a potluck at the church on Saturday, had a meeting there yesterday, and went to Aunt Frances' farm Sunday afternoon. God has been blessing us so much! I will always and forever treasure this time that He has given us to spend with our family. As I grow older and learn to appreciate and love my grandparents and other relatives, that ache in my heart of being away from them grows unbearable. You know, sister. I'm sure you know.

Please pray for Timmy. Last week he fell in the parking lot of our hotel and hurt his shoulder badly. We've watched him all week and it did seem to improve, but today he's in just as much pain as the first day. Pray that the Lord would show us what to do. We think his collarbone might be broken.

Mom and I watched the Hello-Goodbye show of you. WOW!!! I'm in awe that they aired it! I just wish I could understand Dutch. Ha, ha! It was so neat to see and hear you and your family. Moving pictures are an improvement from still ones. (chuckle) I can't believe that inn about a month I'll see you in person! Oh, the Lord is amazing and so very, very good! I can't wait!

I read a precios verse this morning during my quiet time. The Lord had just revealed to David, through the prophet Nathan, that his son Solomon would build for Him a house. David had desired to do that himself but God would not allow it. It's amazing how the Lord fulfills our desires. He doesn't always do it the way we want but in the way that is absolutely best and perfect. This is the verse that really spoke volumes to me: "For thy word's sake, and according to thine own heart, hast thou done all these great things, to make thy servant know them." (2 Sam. 7:21) When we see all that God has enriched our lives with, we usually only see the benefit on our part. But David saw the benefit that God would receive through doing "all these great things." It's for His Word's sake and according to His own heart that He is so good to us. Anyway, that really blessed my heart this morning! It's so true.

We're going shopping with Grandma in a bit so I'd better scoot!

With love in our precious Savior,
