Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Soft Answer...

Hello, everyone!

Having reread my post about Facebook, I realize that I probably sound harsh and perhaps even angry. For that I do wish to apologize.

In the last several weeks we have received invitations to Facebook and Twitter from family and friends. A simple “No, thank you!” was apparently insufficient, since the subject was not dropped as we wished it to be. I began to ask myself questions. Why don’t I believe in using Facebook? The 4-point list in the post below was the result of this self examination…not a personal attack on anyone who may have taken it that way. These are my personal beliefs regarding Facebook and other programs alike. I read an astonishing article (the link is now working properly) and that was the icing on the cake, only confirming my reservations about using Facebook.

In case I have never mentioned this before, I bring all controversial blog posts to my dad to read and analyze. As my final authority, I am accountable to him. My blog is dad-approved.

Do you know why I have a blog? For me. If nobody else ever read it again, I would still have a blog. Most of the hard “preaching” posts I write are not to my readers at all. They are for me! They are an encouragement and challenge to me. Every time I write “you” I am seeing a hand pointing back at me. “You…Hannah.” By sharing with my readers the things God has dealt with me about and the personal decisions I have chosen to take a stand on, I make myself accountable to you all. I am publicly testifying to what I believe. This “laying down of the law” is a safeguard against anyone who would try to dissuade me from my course. I am letting them know that I have set boundaries for myself and the protection of relationships I treasure. In doing so, I am setting a high standard which I personally am required to uphold. I have to keep my word, not only to God, but to those of you who know where I stand.

My blog is open to the public, like a website, which anyone is free to read. I have no control over who reads my posts--whether male or female. I never put pressure on anybody to read what I have to say. That is a personal choice made by my readers. Nobody is required to read.

I do not live in the States. I am not a part of the Christian circles there. This being the case, it is sometimes easier to discern those issues that appear controversial and solely based on personal opinion. So many people, Christians alike, are being sucked into these programs like Facebook…and all I can see are bright red lights flashing DANGER! For this reason, my blog post was strong and factual and may have come across in a way that I did not mean it. This is my zeal for the Lord. What may come across as being angry at people is, in truth, my anger with the devil, his manipulations, and the rampant sin I see all around. My heart is grieved because of the strongholds of Satan.

These social networking programs are what destroyed my dad's deacon. He got in contact with numerous girls and they eventually stole his heart away from what he knew was right. This same man is the one who, in a round about way, corrupted our people with gossip and lies and caused 1/3 of our church to leave this summer. Do you understand why this is such a serious matter to me? And this is only one example of many I could give.

As I said, I apologize for sounding harsh or even angry. Having read facts that point to the abominable practices being promoted by Facebook, I have come to the personal decision that Facebook is not Christian-friendly nor is it family-friendly. I cannot in good conscience use it and feel it was my duty to alert people I dearly love to the dangers I have only recently been made aware of. What my readers choose to do is between them and the Lord.

God bless!