Monday, December 7, 2009

Josiah's 16th Birthday!

Josiah had a birthday! I can hardly comprehend that my baby brother turned 16!!! It seems like I just had my 16th birthday. Where does time go? We celebrated his special day on Monday, since his actual birthday was on a Sunday...which makes for a too-busy day with church and all.

Loving Apple and Mac and all that stuff as he does, I thought Josiah's gifts might be more acceptable decorated with the Mac symbol--an apple. He is trying to convert everyone to being a Mac user...and he's doing a good job too. It's too bad he doesn't get paid, cause he sure makes a good salesman. (chuckle)

No worms guaranteed...

And that was true! It was a Bible! No worms there! ;)

In a hurry to open his gifts. =D

Awwwww! That is so sweet! Mom's last 16! Wow!

We spent the evening with the Kamps at their house. We had dinner, went ice-skating, the guys played some racing games, and we had snacks and hot cider and cake by a blazing fire. Nice! Josiah enjoyed spending time with his buddy Josh.

I love my brother!!! Y


Elsie Gibbs said...

I sort of know how you feel. My real baby (my first born), turned 12 this August. It's so different having him drive us home the last stretch, him splitting wood, him taking care of the mouse the dog drug in...etc. He's just getting so grown up. I don't know what I'll do when he's turning 16. They grow up too fast :( ...:D Happy Birthday to Josiah!

Ms. Elsie

Naomi Ungry said...

Aww! =) Happy birthday, Joe! Thank you for being such a fine young man for our Lord.

Why do our cute baby brothers have to grow up? (sniff) I'm so glad the Lord's given them to us! They're a very special and important part of our homes.

God bless all the Huussen's!

Glad in the LORD,
