Here are the two cool dudes! =D
There is nothing quite like a Florida beach. The sand is white and the water is a clear greenish blue. SO pretty!
Lyd and me! I love my sister soooooooo much!
Looking off into the future... Who knows what it holds? I don't know...but I know Who holds it!
And I think I can go through anything with Russell by my side.
The two love birds!
Admiring the sunset together...
From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD'S name is to be praised.
~ Psalm 113:3
It is finally cold in Florida! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Aaron can never be left out of the fun!!! =D
Happy birthday, Clay!!! We sure love you a ton!
Phriends having phun.
Then Russell got bored with talking so he started writing...
He is such a romantic. (chuckle)
Aww! I think it's so cute!!!

Click on the picture. Do you see something?

I put my engagement ring in on my sand hand. =D


Pier Park is right on the beach. It is so cute with shops and cafes, stores and resturants, a boardwalk, and even a fire pit for warming your hands. There are rides for kids too. It's a nice place to go with people you enjoy spending time with.
This is where we ate dinner.

Clay opened his birthday gifts from us.
The food was good. Russell ordered crab legs and let me have a bite. It was pretty good. I'm not big on seafood, but I guess that will probably changing seeing as I'll be living in FL.
Clay and Josiah...
Window shopping is fun! Lydia has fallen in love with Mrs. Chris's turtles, so she bought her one made completely out of shells. It's too cute! That is what we were all admiring here. What a nice day!!! =)
Aww! I think it's so cute!!!
Click on the picture. Do you see something?
I put my engagement ring in on my sand hand. =D
Pier Park is right on the beach. It is so cute with shops and cafes, stores and resturants, a boardwalk, and even a fire pit for warming your hands. There are rides for kids too. It's a nice place to go with people you enjoy spending time with.
This is where we ate dinner.
Clay opened his birthday gifts from us.
The food was good. Russell ordered crab legs and let me have a bite. It was pretty good. I'm not big on seafood, but I guess that will probably changing seeing as I'll be living in FL.
Clay and Josiah...
Window shopping is fun! Lydia has fallen in love with Mrs. Chris's turtles, so she bought her one made completely out of shells. It's too cute! That is what we were all admiring here. What a nice day!!! =)
1 comment:
What an wonderful time you all are having! I enjoyed the beautiful and hilarious pictures more than I can express. Every picture speaks of the Lord's great goodness and your happiness in it.
I've been studying Hudson Taylor's life for my college studies. The Lord used him so greatly. The enormity of one of his most famous quotes is far more meaningful by understanding the trials God led him through. He said, "God gives His very best to those who leave the choice with Him." How truly it is evidenced in you, dear sister! God KNOWETH the way we take!
I got excited over the basket aisle photo! Ha, ha! My biggest one is too small for the dozen knitting projects I've been busy with lately (for Christmas gifts and a village craft fair going on next week). Baskets are so lovely and fit so well in the atmosphere of home. =)
I think my favorite pictures of you and Russell are the ones taken at the Fall Fellowship. They are so-o-o sweet!!! What a cute couple you make! The time you had during that day looked to be extremely fun. It's always good to see upstanding men toting guns around, either to protect or provide. I myself enjoy chopping wood. I did quite a bit when we lived in a tree-inhabited area. =D Looks like the men were attacking those logs with a fury. (chuckle)
I'm so thrilled the Lord gave this time to you all. I pray your remaining days in Florida will be especially memorable and blessed--and hopefully not hectic!
With love in our blessed Redeemer,
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