Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Special Memories

I miss making him breakfast in the morning.
I miss listening to his voice as he read the Bible and prayed with me.
I miss sitting on the couch and messing around on our laptops, sharing pictures, talking, or just looking at each other.
I miss walking around the property and the good conversations we had regarding our family and future.
I miss cheering him on.
I miss his cute attempts to show off--watching him throw a basket and miss, which only gave me another chance to tell him that it doesn't matter...cause I'm already very impressed.
I miss running errands with him. (And having folks refer to us and our chaperone/s as a family. (chuckle)
I miss having him insist on opening and closing my car door every time we made a stop.
I miss him joining my family for dinner every night and seeing the faces of my dearest ones around one table.

I miss watching him "reload" a little boy's cap gun and turn a baby's cry to gurgling laughter.
I miss the long drive to my doctor appointments...when I would wake up from a short nap and find him smiling at me as he drove.
I miss shopping together at Target for our house supplies...having him teasingly "scan" me with the registry "gun" and tell me I'm priceless when no amount of $ showed on the screen.
I miss the time he tickled my face with a cluster of artificial flowers as we bought things for our wedding.
I miss texting him during the times we were apart.
I miss hearing his heavy footsteps on the front porch as he came to say goodnight to me after he got off work.
I miss him handing me his "cool shades" when the bright Florida sunshine was hurting my eyes.
I miss play fighting about the temperature in the car, because he likes it cold and I like it warm and we both want it set to please the other.

I miss him suddenly stopping during our walk to write "Russell Y Hannah" in the soft white sand.
I miss having him ask me if I need a cold drink during the hot, humid camp meeting week and fanning his flushed, moisture-covered face during the hours of singing and preaching.

I miss sitting by his side in church and hearing him "amen" and emphatically shout "Sure!" in agreement during the preaching.
I miss dishing out the last scoop of peanut butter fudge ice cream for him and having him feed me a big chunk of chocolate off his spoon just cause he knows I love it.

I miss walking on the beach and gazing off into a brilliant sunset with him standing by my side.
I miss the times he gave me his jacket because I was cold.

I miss a lot of things...but I'm glad that I had them to miss, because some people never get a chance to miss what I had.
If I never did have those special moments with Russell I wouldn't know what I am now missing out on...but I also wouldn't have the precious memories we made together!
I'd rather hurt from missing than miss the hurting because I never had anything to miss in the first place.
God is good!


Mamaw 28 said...

Hannah, You don't know me but your writings thrill my heart. You and Russell have been given a wonderful gift from God in each other. I pray blessing upon blessings for your marriage and your future. God Bless you both. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with those of us you don't even know!

corpus42 said...

I miss you baby. Very very much.

Love you,
Russell "Your soon-to-be hubby"

Elsie Gibbs said...

Dearest Hannah,
Oh just a short few months and you two will be able to write Russell and Hannah in every inch of Florida sand :D My heart aches for you. I can't wait to see you two married. We have a young married couple in our church. They've only been married almost 2 years. They still have the honeymoon in their marriage. It's so sweet. Ellery and I sort of do :), but we're also so very busy. I appreciate seeing this young couple. You'll be there very very soon. I know it doesn't feel like very soon right now though.

Ms. Elsie

Naomi Ungry said...

That was very precious. It touched my heart, Hannah. The pure, deep, lifetime love the Lord puts in the heart of one man and one woman for each other is an amazing thing. =)

Abiding in my sweet Redeemer's love,


Anonymous said...

Really good, dear daughter. Enjoyed your thoughts very, very much. What a tremendous blessing you and your family have been and are. Tell your Mom for some reason this week I have been craving some more asparagus soup! Ha. Ha. Love ya,

Bro. Buddy

Anonymous said...


That was very beautiful, very! It's good that you can look back and see these things and cherish these memories. I am sure it will help you love each other even more as you both are apart.

I am praying for you sister,

♫Peanut♫ said...

Hannah Banana...

I also miss going with you and Russell to the grocery store and people mistaking Joe and I for you guy's kids!

and when I ran into the pole
ryan almost got ran over..
and Joe running off the ramp at Walmart! lol Good times...Miss you guys, Happy Holidays!!