Friday, May 14, 2010

The Courting Carriage...uh...Computer

The Amish use a horse and carriage for courting...

...and others use ACER computers.

In memory of that old work horse, which carried us to each other across the many miles and then kicked the bucket just before Russell and I were joined on the same continent.

Thanks, you old ACER! You did a good job!

1 comment:

Elsie Gibbs said...

Oh Ms. Hannah, I love the picture at the top of your blog, and your new background. I was originally coming over here to your blog in hopes of finding a link to the wedding pictures. I thought maybe it's your sister's site, and that maybe you had her link her on yours. Boy that's a mouthfull :) Well, the link brother Russell provided on his site doesn't work for me. Maybe he's already gotten word from others it's not working for ??? WHen you get the chance, can ya'll look into it? Thanks.