Saturday, May 15, 2010

Leaving the Home I Love

These bears aren't the only ones to whom I said goodbye...

After a tearful goodbye to the Kamps on March 29, 2010:

"Why does there always have to be a heart-wrenching goodbye before there can be a joyful reunion? Will my life always be like this? It will. I know it will. But soon we will be joined together in Glory! I was packing in my room when I heard the Marshalls singing: 'My Father’s home of light, my glory circled throne. I left for earthly night, for wanderings sad and lone. I left it all, I left it all for thee. Hast thou left ought for Me?' I cried again. Jesus knows what it’s like to leave what you love for that which seems less desirable. My only joy is Russell. Other than that…well. Jesus knows what I’m feeling in my heart."

I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope. ~ Psalm 130:5

How can I hope to make you understand
Why I do, what I do?
Why I must travel to a distant land
Far from the home I love?

Once I was happily content to be
As I was, where I was.
Close to the people who are close to me
Here in the home I love.

Who could see that a man would come
Who would change the shape of my dreams?
Helpless now I stand with him
Watching older dreams grow dim.

Oh, what a melancholy choice this is:
Wanting home, wanting him.
Closing my heart to every hope but his,
Leaving the home I love.

There where my heart has settled long ago
I must go, I must go.
Who could imagine I'd be wand'ring so
Far from the home I love.

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