Monday, May 17, 2010

One Month Anniversary!

The Lord has blessed me beyond anything I could have imagined or deserve. Today I have been married for a month. The time has flown by!!! Next to salvation, marriage is the best thing God ever made possible for humans to enjoy. I am so thankful for my sweet, godly, loving husband. I could not have gotten better! Yesterday evening I went out to dinner with my in-laws and they told me something that thrilled me. They said that since our marriage they have seen me complete Russell. I get the privilege of completing this precious man as his helpmeet. (Genesis 2:18 -- "And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.") I have always believed being a wife, homemaker, and mother is the highest goal and career a woman can have. God put that desire in every woman's heart---whether she chooses to admit it or not. Now I have been married for 1 month, and I can say from personal experience that being a wife and homemaker is the greatest and best!!! I never dreamed it could be so busy, so fun, and so fulfilling. It's a 24/7 job, but the pay is pure love. What more could anyone want? I love cleaning my little house, washing the laundry, and cooking good meals for my hubby. His reaction is worth the hard work and time spent.

I know of girls who would give anything for what I have--a cozy home and a loving husband. For some reason--I'll never know why!--God saw fit to look down from Heaven on this little wisp of a girl and shower His richest blessings down all over me. THANK YOU, LORD, for your blessings on me!!!

Russell surprised me after church on Wednesday and came home with these roses. He is so thoughtful and sweet! Yes, that is one word that describes Russell--thoughtful.

May the bud of our love grow richer and sweeter,
As we walk hand-in-hand behind our Great Leader.
For God's love is what binds our two hearts as one,
In this strength and His power our lives we've begun.

Our one month anniversary!
Praise God! He is good!

1 comment:

Elsie Gibbs said...

Ms. Hannah, I wanted to leave a comment last night when I was looking at your blog, but I had my younger children climbing me and my older ones pushing to look too :D And my husband was trying to talk to me so I couldn't consentrate. I really just wanted to say HAPPY 1 MONTH ANNIVERSARY! It's so cute. I can't believe it's already been one month. Lord bless you two always!