Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Dear Christian,
Have you given God the iron ring of your will?
Are all the keys of your life attached?
Perhaps you think it fine to give all but the one that leads to a secret closet of your heart.
If He should ask if they are all there, what will you say to Him?
Don't withhold even a small key!
Don't make terms with God.
If you don't trust Him with all, don't trust Him at all.
But know this...
That one key could keep your whole life hovering in the balance.
Keeping that one little key will keep Him from entrusting you with the ministry of His Word.
Do you dare live outside of the will of God?
What a high price to pay for an unsurrendered will!
Do you feel Him receding from you as you firmly state your decision?
Do you sense a sudden loss of joy and peace?
Call Him back! and say,
"I am not willing, but I am willing to be made willing!"
Do you see Him coming near, once again, reaching for that last key?
With tears of shame, you hand it over.
Did you feel the gentleness of His touch as His hand brushed yours?
Is He even now going to the secret closet?
You know what He will find there, and He knows too.
Does He even now clear it out?
Oh, but He fills it with something so much better than that which was surrendered!
For He took away the sham jewels and replaced them with real ones!
He removed that which was eating out my life, and instead gave me Himself.


("C. T. Studd" by Norman Grubb/H. L. Huussen)

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