This is Josiah, me, and Lydia (in that order). Along with my parents, my brother and sister really are my best buddies. Through experience I have learned that “friends” will desert me. Few people know the meaning of the word loyalty. No matter how badly others treat me, my family is always there when I need them. I praise God that we are “stuck with each other,” as Mom teasingly says. The mission field has taught me the importance of family love, a love that only strengthens with each storm we face. People will come and go through our church; I can’t rely on them. Time has eroded strong relationships we once had with family and friends in the States. People change. I’m glad I serve a Savior who never changes. My Lord is the same yesterday, today, forever. He is ever faithful! Jesus will always love me and never, ever leave me. I’m glad I have Someone I can count on!
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