I’m still in disbelief! Yesterday, as Lydia and I existed a building, a man actually held the door open for us and wished us a nice weekend!!! Other than having my brother or Dad open and close the car door for me, I can’t remember the last time that happened. It’s sad that it made such a big impression on me; it should be normal for men to treat women like that.
Lydia, Josiah, and I were tossing the football yesterday, enjoying the last rays of sunlight, when our ball rolled into the street just as a car was coming. I hurried to rescue it and then waited on the sidewalk for the man to pass. He stopped the car and motioned for me to cross in front of him. Wow!
What was wrong with men yesterday? They must have forgotten that they are supposed to be rude. Rather, they aren’t supposed to be rude, but most are anyway. Maybe it was “Gentlemen’s Day,” the only day of the year that a man is required to act like a gentleman. (Hey, they have a day for everything else!)
Maybe it was the clothes that made the difference. I was wearing one of my favorite, extremely comfortable, A-line jean skirts. (I know it’s hard to believe, but I actually play sports in a skirt that touches the ground. It is possible!)
I have a theory: If women would start dressing like ladies, men might start acting like gentlemen! Now there’s a thought!
Whatever the case may be, it was nice to be treated like a lady.
Hint, hint…
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