Friday, March 7, 2008

Sunday Services

These pictures were taken last Sunday...that would be March 2, 2008. Hope you enjoy them. :)

Practicing before the service…

Our little sound man. Cute, huh? I can say that because he is my brother. (Nah, nah!) I teasingly call him my little hunk 'o punk. Double meaning: he's a little hunk (I have a pitchfork ready just in case any girls get any brilliant ideas...ha. Just teasing.) and he's a punk (age 14). :)

Still practicing... Mischa and I do the music together every Sunday. As you can see, he plays the guitar and I play the piano. Mischa is a wonderful friend and my Dad's ever faithful, right-hand man...a real Hur (see Exodus 17:8-16).

We are actually smiling here. Double click to see photos enlarged. I don't know why it's so fuzzy...

Waiting after the service. Dad, Mom, and Mischa had some important church business to attend to, so the preacher's kids got left all to their lonesome... (don't you feel sorry for us?). I was glad I brought my needlework along so I could keep busy.

Josiah looking very bored...

Lyd and me boreder still (hmm...I'm not sure if "boreder" is proper English)...and tired and hungry.

And off come the shoes...ha! :)
It's always such a pleasure to pull on a comfortable jean skirt and sweatshirt upon getting home from church. :)

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