Monday, March 10, 2008

Thankful for Little Things

I woke up this morning feeling groggy and somewhat depressed. Thoughts like, what is there to look forward to? and, why do I even bother writing anything on my blog; nobody cares anyway, and why am I even alive? all passed through my mind. I began praying and that helped. After getting myself ready for the day I headed downstairs. The sky was heavy with dark clouds, rain, and a great deal of wind. I inwardly grimaced as Josiah informed us that we are to have this weather throughout the remainder of the week.

Last night I finished reading a book called Roses for Mama, which really got me thinking about things. Things like thankfulness, self control, and living a life that radiates what I believe as a Christian in simple, everyday life situations. Being a good Christian doesn’t mean only responding correctly to the big mishaps in life. It’s about the small things.

Mom accidentally spilled her coffee on the kitchen floor that I mopped this afternoon. For a minute I was tempted to get angry, annoyed, and have a bad attitude, but then I remembered my talk with the Lord this morning, and I held myself in check. This is what I mean by little things. How we respond to the little things in life will determine how we respond to the big things later on.

With God’s help I am trying to improve my attitude about these things that are so extremely important to becoming the godly lady that the Lord wants me to be. I am a rose in the bouquet that represents all of God’s children. I am still young, only a rosebud just beginning to bloom. As my velvety pedals slowly unfold themselves, even so my character must become more developed before any inward beauty will be seen by others. It is my duty to learn character, and that happens every time I refuse to be angry about spilled milk (or coffee), every time I decide to be thankful despite bad circumstances, every time I put the needs of others before my own.

In reading through Exodus and the other books of Moses I found myself frustrated with the Israelites and their constant complaining and disobedience, but then I began thinking about how all those verses apply to my life. I often complain, though perhaps not verbally, about things I don’t like. This is not an attitude that pleases the Lord, and certainly not the attitude that a lady should have if she is to be deemed lovely by those around her.

So, contrary to the bad weather and other things that could annoy me, I am deciding to take a step towards becoming that fully-bloomed rose, so that I may bring glory and honor to Christ in my deeds and not only my words.
I am going to be thankful for the little things in life, the things that could easily be overlooked because of their seeming insignificance.

I am thankful that I got new socks today, and I am thankful that we bought juicy, red strawberries for strawberry shortcake. I am thankful that the birds are tweeting outside despite how yucky the weather is. I am thankful that I got to share these thoughts with you. Remember to be thankful for little things! Our Lord loves a sweet spirit of thanksgiving in His children.

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

“It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High:” Psalm 92:1

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