Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Graduation

My dad was able to make DVD’s of my graduation, and yesterday morning before we started family devotions we watched part it to see how it turned out. It was nice to relive the ceremony. I cried. That was one special day!


Hannah L. Huussen

Class of 2008


Graduation Poem

Looking back on years gone by,
I’ve seen the hand of God leading me to this place.
I’ve not always comprehended His plan,
And there are probably some things I would erase.
Deep valleys of discouragement, pain and loss;
I wouldn’t have written those in the blueprint.
But all along life’s wearisome paths
I’ve faithfully seen His footsteps ’longside my shoeprint.

God’s brought me through the darkest hours,
For the light of His Word led my way.
And when I cried out “I don’t understand,”
In helplessness and dismay,
I could feel His right hand upholding me;
In the strength of His love I could stand.
When life seemed to be crashing around me,
Things were only going just as God had planned.

Trials and testing, sent solely for my benefit,
Are shaping me into the image my Saviour has in mind.
Now I’m pressing toward the mark for the prize of His calling,
Leaving past failures forever behind.
I’m so thankful for the precious blood of Jesus Christ,
That washes away all my sin,
And allows me to stand in the presence of God,
A new creature, clean and pure within.

The past is history, the present is here,
And the future lies bright with hope and promise for tomorrow.
I can rest assured that God is in control,
Whether the coming days hold much joy or much sorrow.
I’m in the Saviour’s hand and He’s in the Father’s,
With such security I cannot fear nor be afraid.
Though the tempter would scorn me and send temptations,
I will remain true and unswayed!

I have seen the unwise choices of those around me,
And the awful results of sinful living.
And I’ve made a definite decision of my own:
My life to the Lord alone I will be giving.
My affections will not be divided in two,
Nor consumed by things that only last a short while.
You see, I’ve set my sights on higher things;
Enduring treasure in Heaven I wish to compile!

I want to serve the Lord in the full-time Christian ministry,
In any way that He sees fit.
The details are unclear as yet,
So for now to my present responsibilities I will commit.
God will continue to have His will in my life
As I prepare for whatever lies ahead.
I’m excited to follow in the footstep of One who goes before me,
And knows the way that I tread.

Written by ~ Hannah L. Huussen


Home Schooling

On the wonderful day of Wednesday, October 15, 2008, I graduated from high school...finally! It was really neat, because I have thought for all these years that I was really far behind in school. We were told by various people that I still had more and more school work to do, so I kept pluggin’ away. Often I fought discouragement. I don’t know how many times I would be crying because of the huge school load looming before me, but my parents always encouraged me. Thank God for encouraging parents who have always had faith in me!!!

Well, several days after my graduation, we were informed by a very reliable source that I could have graduated a long time ago! Naturally I was a little upset that I had had to do all the extra school work when it wasn’t required for graduation, but I guess God knows the reasons for all that. Actually, I’m very thankful that I didn’t graduate two years ago, because at that point we didn’t know the Maynards. It was so special to have them visit us, and then to have them here for my graduation was extra special!


Special Thanks

I owe a great deal to many people. Below are just a few names of those to who have played such a major role in my life.

First off, I’m thankful for the Lord’s continual guidance in my life. He is wisdom, and it’s only through His wisdom that I was able to get through high school. I enjoyed school, and I generally liked all my subjects. History was/is definitely my favorite! However, I remember several times when I would be doing math and I just could not figure out the steps to solving a math problem. There were times when my parents were not available to help me, so I had to plow through on my own. I would pray, and suddenly everything made sense. I praise God for His wisdom and for enlightening my mind so I could do my school work!

I’m thankful that my parents raised me to love the Lord and taught me how to walk the daily Christian life by their godly example. I am so privileged!!! I am thankful for their determination to never put us in a public school here in Holland. Many missionaries are forced to do this. Holland is not a home school-friendly country. When the government tracked us down, they made a big deal about us children being home schooled. It certainly looked like we were in for a legal battle. Then one night the Lord woke up my dad and told him to write a letter. It must have been Holy Ghost inspired, for we never heard back from the education department and have been miraculously unbothered ever since. We later found out that the woman who was dealing with our case went insane and lost her job. That was no coincidence!

I’m thankful for my sister and brother, Lydia and Josiah. Growing up on a lonely mission field, they have often been my only true companions. Friends have come and gone, but I’ve always had my siblings. Sure, we don’t always get along. To borrow the quote, “When we fought we knew the most tender nerve to strike. But when we decided to cooperate, we became a force to reckon with.” There were difficult school days when Lydia and Josiah’s jokes, teasing, and laughter were the thing that got me through. You know what they say. “When the cat’s away the mice will play.” The cat being Mom or Dad, and the mice being the three of us. (chuckle) And then there were the times when someone had to put an end to the fun so the studying could continue. (Don’t you love being the oldest? grin)

I’m thankful for loving grandparents who have prayed for me and encouraged me along the way. I’m thankful for the many godly men and women who have been such a great testimony to me in their walk with the Lord and their devoted faithfulness to their families and ministries, etc. God has sent so many special people into my life who have helped shape me into the person I am today. Time (and space on this blog) would fail me to mention all their names. I praise God for them!!!

I’m thankful for Pastor Brasser and the kind folks at Palmyra Bible Baptist Church for ordering, shipping, and paying for our school work. That has been such a blessing!!!

I’m very thankful for our dear friends, the Maynards, whose enthusiasm and effort made the ceremony possible. I’m thankful that Bro. Buddy signed my diploma and allowed me to graduate through their school--Heritage Christian Academy. I’m thankful for Mrs. Chris, who checked out my school records, got all the legal paperwork together, helped plan the ceremony, instructed me where to stand and what to do, and brought a cap and gown for me. I praise God for Russell, Clay, and Aaron who played such a major role in the service by singing and preaching. It was a blessing! We love the Maynards!

Last, but certainly not least, I want to say that I am thankful for the privilege of being a missionary’s daughter in the Netherlands. I’m thankful for the precious people I have met as a result of serving God in Holland. The Kamps family has been such a blessing these five years; they have been like family to us. Also, I’m thankful for the Dutch people we are so privileged to serve. I have learned many lessons from our ministry here. It’s been on-the-job training all the way. By God’s grace we are learning from past mistakes and will serve the people of Anker Baptisten Gemeente better in years to come. I sure do love our church!

Praise God!!! Undoubtedly, He has been GOOD!


The Graduation Ceremony

In this picture Dad was discussing the service schedule with Russell and Clay before church began. We combined the ceremony with the Wednesday night church service. Meanwhile, Mrs. Chris was showing me where to stand and what to do and all that. It was sorta scary, but Mrs. Chrissy has this way about her that makes everything seem like it’s going to be okay. She winked at me encouragingly at one point when I was up front waiting to read my poem. I needed that. =)

Waiting for the service to begin... Besides the usual Wednesday night crowd--Oscar & Geertje, Kees, Mischa and Hugo--the Kamps came for my graduation, the Maynards were there, of course. It was very special!

Mom helped my into my gown in the back room as the congregation sang “Great is Thy Faithfulness” and “’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus”--two of my favorite hymns. Then Mom went and sat down, and I stood in the kitchen all ready to go, just waiting to make my appearance, while Dad talked about home schooling.

Then Clay was playing “Pomp and Circumstance,” and I was walking down the aisle. Earlier at dinner that evening, Russell had told me how scary it is to walk down the aisle. Then Josiah teased that I was getting married and hummed “The Wedding March” for me. Mrs. Chris volunteered that it’s easier at your wedding, because all you have to do is say “I do.” Looking back, I can chuckle about it now, but I’m not sure I could’ve at that point. Ha!

I love this picture! When my mom mentioned something to Mrs. Chrissy about having a graduation ceremony for me, she readily agreed and soon their whole family was enthusiastic and involved in some way. Aaron, who doesn’t like school very much, volunteered to graduate with me. (chuckle) Hey, I would’ve loved to have shared all the attention! Anyway, in the left corner you can see part of Aaron’s smiling face. Is it just me, or do you detect a wishful look there? (chuckle) I love Aaron! If I could have a big brother for my little brother, it would be Aaron for sure.

Russell, Clay, and Aaron sang a beautiful song called “Standing at the Cross Roads.” I was too nervous to cry during the ceremony, but I cried when I went back and watched the DVD. I love that song!

This picture is precious! I’m looking at Dad like, “I sure do love you!” Which I do!!! =)

Receiving my diploma!!! Dad shook my hand and kissed me, and then I proudly displayed the best piece of paper ever given to me. (chuckle)

Here I’m reading a poem I wrote (above). I don’t look nearly as nervous as I felt. I got choked up several times as I read my poem, but thankfully the Lord helped my get control of myself. I was afraid I would do that. Let me tell you, I was glad when I could sit down and somebody else could have 20-something pairs of eyes on them. =)

It was neat to have two preacher boys my own age, not to mention two of my best friends, preaching my graduation. Clay preached a message entitled, “Success ~ God’s Way,” and Russell’s message was called, “Don’t Let Your Lamp Go Out.” They were both good, and I got a lot more out of them when I listened to them the second time, which is what I did this morning. I guess I was still sorta nervous at the time. The boys, as we know them, are so themselves, even in their preaching. It’s neat when you know you’re listening to somebody who’s real! I have an enormous amount of respect for these guys. God needs more MEN! There are enough spineless losers walking the face of this earth. I think God delights to see young men (and women) who are willing to take a stand, refusing to bend with the world, and throw themselves whole-heartedly into His service. I think God is looking for more men. Many have been called, but few have chosen to forsake worldly pleasures and take up the cross. It’s a sad thing! How refreshing to find that there are still a few good men out there! Praise God!

After the ceremony folks congratulated me. I certainly felt very special! Several people gave me graduation gifts. The Kamps gave me a 14-karot gold necklace. Hugo and Mischa bought me a large bouquet of pink roses, Karin and April gave me little heart earrings, and Grandma & Opa and the Maynards gave me money gifts. Just today I bought a beautiful 32-piece set of Wedgwood dinnerware that was on sale with the money from my grandparents for my hopeless chest, as Papa teasingly calls it. (chuckle) My parents want to buy me a piece of furniture as my graduation present from them. I really feel spoiled. God has been so good to me!

Mom and Dad ordered two beautiful strawberry kwark cakes for the celebration. We enjoyed them!

We all fellowshipped together while eating cake. It was a blessing! Russell and Clay serenaded us on the piano for a while, then the boys played a lively game of Foosball. We left the church very late. What an enjoyable day! Everything was wonderful, and I’m thankful I had the opportunity to graduate surrounded by family and friends so dear to my heart. Thank You, Lord! You have been so good to me!!!

Thanks to Mr. Kamps and the Maynards for these pictures! =)


Anonymous said...

This bought tears to my eyes! Praise the Lord that he was able to give you a christian graduation ceremony!
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: the Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Num. 6:24-26

Naomi Ungry said...


What a precious blessing, my friend! I'm thankful the Lord gave you such a special time to share with those dearest to you. I loved and appreciated the poem very much. You put your heart and faith into it like you do everything else. I treasure being able to look within your heart and see the Savior there!

I love you! My heartiest tidings of congratulations for graduating (at last =) with such excellence!
