Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Christmas Parade


Our church entered the Christmas parade last Saturday. It was a lot of work and a lot of fun.
I love this time of year!

Everyone really outdid themselves putting this together.

JESUS is the only reason for the season. Jesus...God, who became frail, human flesh, appearing in the form of a helpless babe, in order to save Adam's race from sin, death, and hell.

I love Christmas lights! So pretty!

Russell and I were part of the gingerbread choir singing Christmas carols.

Clay played live on the piano. He did awesome, as always, and Russell was his faithful side-kick.

After the parade was over some of us went out to McDonald's for a late snack.
There I am outnumbered by guys (what's new?).

We had a lot of fun and hopefully the Lord used us to remind folks what Christmas is truly all about.

1 comment:

L.J. Jones said...

Too cute! I wish I could have been there to go along. It's hard knowing things are going on somewhere and you can't be there to be part of it, you know?

I love the last one. I miss all of you!