Ordained Sheep Dog
A minister was explaining the 23rd Psalm to a group of children. He started by saying that sheep aren’t very smart, and that they need the protection and guidance of a shepherd.
Then he asked, “If you children are like sheep, then who is the shepherd?”
After a short silence, a little girl said, “Jesus is the shepherd.”
Caught a little off guard, the priest replied, “Okay…but then, who am I?”
She frowned thoughtfully and said with a shrug, “I guess you must be the sheep dog.”
Country Magazine
Take a Hike
A teenager was constantly asking his father if he could borrow the family car. Finally the father asked his son why he thought God had given him two feet.
Without hesitation, the son replied, “That’s easy. One is for the clutch and the other is for the accelerator.”
Country Magazine
Just Horsing’ Around
A greenhorn walked into a tack shop and asked the price of a pair of spurs.
“Forty dollars,” replied the old-timer behind the counter.
The greenhorn looked into his wallet, thoughtful for a moment, pulled out a $20 bill and said, “I’ll take one spur.”
“What’ll you do with just one spur?” asked the clerk.
“I figure if I can get one side of the horse movin’, the other side will follow.”
Country Magazine
Weather or Not
At a farmers’ convention, a Minnesota dairy farmer was talking about the harsh Midwestern winters. “It gets so cold that we have to put heaters under the cows before we milk them,” he said.
“That’s nothing, replied a Texas farmer. “In summer it gets so hot that we have to feed the chickens ice cubes so they don’t lay hard-boiled eggs.”
Country Magazine
Dear Hannah,
Thank you for your kind comment. I listened to the song you and your sister did and it was just lovely. As a parent I know how blessed your parents must be. I would love to be able to minister to the Lord & others in a music ministry, but that is not the case,so I enjoy my family. My husband plays trumpet beautifully and has passed that love of music onto the children. I just love music. I love to just go about the day with a hymn to sing.
I saw in your one blog entry that your mom was starting a blog.I hope you post about it. How neat, I had to laugh, Kaitlyn is actually the one who pushed me to start mine. It is lots of fun, and a great way to encourage each other. I always enjoy your blogs. Anyhow, have a blessed Holland Thursday, we're actually having a day in the 70's!
God bless. Mrs S.
p.s. Love the chuckles!
Hello, Mrs. S!
Yes, I do remember mentioning my mom’s blog. I got her to make one, but unfortunately I haven’t gotten her to post anything on it yet. I guess I need to nag her. =D I’m sure she’ll use it one of these days; maybe when we are all out of the house and she’s bored. I guess we do keep her pretty busy… Anyway, Mom told me that she could think of several things to write about, but she just hasn’t gotten around to it. I’m hopeful! =)
Weather in the 70’s! That sounds nice! Where do you guys live anyway? It was sunny today--Thursday, April 16, 2008--and felt rather like summer. It was only the wind that made it cool. Well, I’m going to bed now. God bless!
Hannah Lee
=D Ha, ha! I guess I'm a little off on the date there. Sorry! Don't mind me.
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