I had big plans when I woke up this morning. Unfortunately they didn’t all come to pass, but that’s okay.
After my devotions, which were a blessing, as they always are. I don’t know what I’d do without my time with the Lord in the mornings. Every Christian needs that! I’m hoping to write about some things I read today. Jeremiah is pretty neat. I’d be a liar if I said I understand everything, but what I do get out of it is good.
After devotions, getting myself ready for the day, and checking my email, I headed downstairs. Mom was on the couch looking something up on the Internet, so I plunked myself down beside her with a bowl of cereal and crunched in her ear. She was intent on what she was doing, so she only said “You sound like a cow” once. (chuckle) It’s sorta hard to eat cereal quietly.
We got some good and bad news today, but I can’t share either. What a day!
I spent part of the afternoon baking banana bread (recipe here) and cleaning in the kitchen--the never ending task. =)
After the bread cooled I headed out the door to hopefully do some damage to the devil. George, an older man, loves my banana bread, so he was happy. He said he wouldn’t promise he and Lisette would come, but he would check his schedule and see.
Hennie and Corrie were next on my agenda. Corrie seemed stressed out when she answered the door and said she hadn’t gotten much sleep. All three kids were gathered around her. Michael, the baby, smiled happily. Corrie says he recognizes me now. She said she would talk it over with Hennie and they would see if they could come to our church and they would let me know. I’m going to see if I can watch the kids for Corrie tomorrow afternoon; I feel bad for her. Anyway, we’ll see what happens. I wasn’t able to give the last bread out, because the neighbors weren’t home.
We ate dinner--lasagna--soon after that. Sure tasted good. I think I ate a little too much. (guilty grin) After dinner I went on a bike ride with Lydia and Josiah. My little brother put new handlebars on my bike, and he was eager to see how I liked them. I do! =) Little brothers are good to have around. Not only do they do a lot of hard, dirty work that boys should do, but they’re also quite a lot of fun.
Speaking of fun…I’m going to go have some fun now. I’ll talk to ya later!
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