Our family had just arrive back in the States, from the mission field of Holland, for a three-month furlough. We flew over New York City only days before. We saw the Statue of Liberty standing tall in the harbor; we saw the Twin Towers.
Our family had rented a large house, the Ormsby house, in the countryside from a distant acquaintance. Jetlagged, we were still in our pajamas when my aunt called and said a plane had crashed into the Twin Towers. I was only 13 at the time, and the name “World Trade Centers” didn’t mean a whole lot to me. Dad found an old radio, then he hunted around and discovered a small TV. We gathered around to watch the news.
It was a horrific scene that met our eyes. We actually saw the second plane go crashing into the other tower, but everyone thought it was a rerun until the reporters began getting frantic calls that a second plane had flown into the towers.
Situations like 9/11 seem so out of control that it’s almost unbelievable. You see it being played out before you, but your mind is screaming that it can’t be true. The mind can hardly comprehend that something so traumatic can actually happen. Planes controlled by maniacs can slam into buildings, killing innocent lives…explosions…dark clouds of smoke and debris flying into the air… Towers can collapse, crushing hundreds and hundreds of human beings just like you and me. It’s unimaginable, and to think all that really did occurred...

Death is not a pleasant thought, but it is one we all need to face. Where will our souls be when our bodies have died? Where will we spend eternity…in Heaven or Hell? We can know for sure that we are going to Heaven! Please go to this link (here) and take the good person test. It’s really an eye-opener! I can honestly say that if I had been in a high-jacked plane or in the towers on September 11, 2001, my soul would be in Heaven, because I have put my faith and trust in Jesus Christ. The blood He shed on Calvary’s cross has washed me of the filthy sin that had me headed straight for Hell. When death comes knocking on your door, will you be ready?
As an American, I can say that WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN! The enemies of America will pay. Not only do we have brave men and women willing to sacrifice their lives for this country and plenty of self-defense weapons, but we have a God that these terrorists know not of!!! He it is who fights for us! Our great nation was founded on Biblical principles. As long as we have praying Christians in America, and a God-fearing president in the White House, nothing can happen in the United States that is out of God’s control.
This picture reminds me that there is hope. Often in our lives we face incomprehendible trials that leave our lives in shambles. Financial problems, marital problems, relationship problems, health problems… Everything seems to be crashing in around us. But after the dust and debris have settled, through the rubble we will see a beacon of hope. If Jesus Christ is our Savour, then we have a blessed promise.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
To those of you who are suffering today because of lost loved ones, you have our deepest sympathy. With God’s help, what happened seven years ago today will never happen again.
WE WILL NEVER FORGET!!!To our brave troops fighting for America’s freedom. THANK YOU!!!
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
1 comment:
Thank God for America!!! Good Post!!!
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