My, my, my! What a dreary, rainy, lazy day we’re having! I woke up to the sound of pouring rain and it’s been doing that all day. Makes me want to curl up in bed and go right back to sleep. These are the days when it’s nice to light candles and play games and eat popcorn and drink hot chocolate or cinnamon tea. Yup, it’s definitely getting to be that time of year! I’m holding myself in check; I have this wonderful urge to use my hoarded fall clipart. But, I’m going to be patient and wait until October. For any guys who visit my blog--sorry! You’ll have to put up with pink a bit longer. =)
It’s sorta been a boring day, but that’s the way life goes. I’ve been doing odd jobs around the house--you know, the kind that you don’t really notice and at the end of the day you look back and go “What did I even get accomplished today?” Ugh! I hate that. Also, I’ve been feeling pretty lousy lately. If you know me, then you also know that that really bugs me, because I like to get things done, which I can’t do when I feel like this. So, if you like me…even a little, maybe you could pray for me. I need all the help I can get!!!
I’m looking forward to Sunday! Come to think of it, I’m looking forward to the next couple months, because they are full of activity--church stuff and company and birthdays and then holidays. Makes me about as glad as a mouse with a ribbon-wrapped hunk of cheese!!!
Hey, I have something neat to share with y’all. (And, no, I’m not from the South, I’m just practicing for our Southern company. We’ve gotta make them feel at home, you know!) As I was saying… Dad was asked by a guy in our church, Anthony is his name, if he could go talk to one of his friends about the Lord. They made an appointment to meet downtown yesterday afternoon. I’ll give you the good news before I go into the whole long story. The angels are rejoicing because another soul was written in the Lamb’s Book of Life!!! Dad got home after 2 hours of witnessing and took a nap. It wasn’t until later that night that he shared this story with us…
Anthony had called saying he would be a little late, so Dad got a cup of coffee at Burger King and walked around the downtown area, passing people and nodding to them and thinking. Some big guy approached Dad and demanded “fire”--a cigarette lighter. Dad was so deep in thought and caught off guard that he just shrugged and shook his head that he didn’t have one and kept on walking. Then the guy suddenly said, “Don’t you recognize me?” Dad thought maybe he was supposed to know this guy, so he turned around and looked deep into his eyes, but the guy wouldn’t let him. He abruptly turned away and averted his eyes. Then Dad heard him say, “I want to mess you up.” Shocked, Dad continued to watch him as he walked away, frantically asking people for “fire.” Then he began cussing and cursing. Dad said he didn’t realize until he laid down to take a nap that the man was demon possessed. “Don’t you recognize me?” That wasn’t a man speaking! That was an evil spirit. The devil knew Anthony’s friend was going to get saved, and he was mad. He wanted to “mess up” Dad so he couldn’t share the Gospel. But God was in control!!! Praise the Lord!
Isn’t that creepy? I’m really glad I can’t see what’s going on in the spiritual world; I probably wouldn’t dare to step outside my house…but I shouldn’t say that. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
Well, looks like I’m about done jabbering away, and would you believe it? It’s still raining cats and dogs! It’s 6 PM right now, and I’d probably better get my lazy bones out of this chair and help with dinner. Tonight is family night. I’m so looking forward to it! Friday is just about my favorite day, because I get to spend it with my favorite people--my family. Maybe we’ll play a fun game or watch a nice video together…or maybe we’ll just sit around and “flap our gums,” like I’m doing now! Ha, ha! Whatever we do, I’m sure it will be fun as long as we’re together.
I’m hoping you’re having a nice day. Lord bless ya!
P.S. Did you know that the post script on a letter is usually the best part? Yup, it is!!! That’s why I have post scripts on my blog. I heard from a friend of mine that Hurricane Hanna is heading all the way across the ocean. I’m not sure if I believe him, though. If you knew him you’d know why. (chuckle) Imagine Hanna coming to visit Hannah! (chuckle again) Seriously, I feel bad for people whose names are the same as these hurricanes. You wouldn’t believe all the teasing and harassment we get!!!
By the way, did you know Obama wants to make government “cool”? That’s a direct quote! “...Make government cool again.” What he really means is “get the liberals in the White House.” That would be “cool.” See, you’ve got to understand teen talk to understand what he’s actually saying. What a loser!
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