Now I shall reveal the secret location where we spent our vacation. (grin) We rented a chalet in Belgium, called “De Kleine Beer” or “The Little Bear,” from Monday through Friday. Belgium has always been our favorite place to get away, because we only have to drive about 3 hours. It’s funny because when we were children 3 hours seemed like half a lifetime. Now it’s like “3 hours? What’s that?!” Still, it feels like we’re GONE, as in far away!
Okay, I’m going to go back and write each day of our vacation as its own post, because other wise this is going to be way too long, especially with pictures. So, here goes!
We stopped over at a Burger King to eat a late lunch. It’s so neat how they make several restaurants in one building these days. I think they’ve just started doing that in Holland. There was a really yummy-looking restaurant that was sorta like LaPlace, only much nicer! They had an old-fashioned bath tub filled with ice and pop bottles. Really cute! I noticed the unique sign hanging over the entryway. It was a large cigarette tied in a knot and under it a sign reading “NO SMOKING.” Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera with me. After the three of us girls finished snooping around, we settled down to eat. I got a crispy chicken sandwich; it was good! Some soldiers entered the restaurant speaking French, and that’s when I knew we were getting close to the Belgium border. 
Lydia had no sooner asked Dad if we were in Belgium when we felt it in the roads. Belgian roads are like roads in the States--bumpy!!! Soon the flat landscape of Holland turned into rolling hills of Belgium, and we could see little farms and cows and seemingly endless fields of corn. I love the countryside! Belgium reminds me of the States as far as the beautiful scenery and the wildlife…and the aboveground telephone poles. We’ve gone to Belgium so many times that I’m quite familiar with the roads we always take, and they bring on bitter-sweet memories of when I was a little girl.
After stopping by the head office to pick up the key to our chalet, we piled back into the van and drove to what would be our home for the next 4 days. A cute little red squirrel scampered in front of the van as we pulled into the road our chalet was on. We never see squirrels in Holland, so naturally all three of us girls were squealing with delight. I wish he hadn’t been in such an all-fired hurry to get across the street so we could’ve taken a better look at him, but I guess he was a wise squirrel to be afraid of our gigantic blue van.
The guys left to get wood for our fireplace that night, and Mom, Lydia, and I finished getting the beds made and then headed for the kitchen to see about dinner. Mom made hotdogs, beans, chips, tuna salad, and carrot sticks for dinner. The sun was setting as we sat down for dinner. Dad prayed for the meal and our church people. They are always close to our hearts. At one point during the lively dinner conversation Josiah hushed everyone and told us to listen. We stopped our chewing and crunching and talking and laughing and listened intently. Quietness!!! Boy, it sure was nice! The only sound was the tweeting of a bird in the distance coming through the open doors leading to the porch. The sun was beaming the last brilliant rays of evening light, and a beautiful pinkish haze settled beyond the dark silhouettes of tall pines. What a nice place to spend a vacation!!!
Stokin’ up the fire. They had fun with it. Especially my pyromaniac brother. =)
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