Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Maynards Visit! ~ Day 1

Well, in case you have been wondering if I fell off the face of the earth, I didn’t. =) Our dear friends the Maynards came to visit us for a week, and seeing as we don’t get company too often, especially company that we like so well, I decided to forget about my blog and ENJOY. I also proved to myself that I don’t have an addiction to my blog, which my brother and sister say I do. I’m going to go back now and write a little about each day that they were here with us.

We spent the morning doing last minute cleaning and then getting ourselves ready to meet our company at the airport. God gave me Proverbs 14:26 to calm my fears and racing heart. One thing I needed for sure was strong confidence. When I shared the verse with my family in the van on the way to the airport, Dad said God gave him that verse the other day for something or another. That’s neat! (Picture: Driving in the van to the airport! It was a beautiful morning!)

The Maynards arrived at Schiphol airport at 11:30 AM. As we stood at the gate waiting for them to exit, I felt glad and nervous and fearful and excited all at the same time. To ease the tension I felt, I listened to a little girl standing nearby with two older ladies as she carried on an adorable little kid conversation. It was cute! We got a glimpse of the Maynards through the large glass windows as they got their luggage. It was so neat to see them!

We met Bro. Buddy in April when he came through on his way home from a missions trip in the Congo, but we had never met his family, although we have had much contact via email and Skype. God bless that wonderful program!!! It’s sorta funny, because for years we have known the Maynards via the ministry. Bro. Buddy is the pastor of a church that supports us, and we support their boys’ home. We started our ministries at the same time, and Bro. Buddy was at our sending church in the States several years ago raising support for the boys’ home, where he and my dad met each other. Then we went to the mission field. For years we listened to the Maynards’ singing (tapes), and we have always known of them. Now, after only a few months of getting to know each other through email and Skype, we feel a sweet bond of love in the Lord, and suddenly they were coming to visit us at our home!!! God works in mysterious ways!!! Never underestimate God’s power and plan! =)

Anyway, we stood anxiously waiting at the gate. My heart skipped a beat every time the doors opened (Isn’t that a cute idea somebody had?) and it wasn’t the Maynards. And then they came out of those doors! We shook hands and hugged and it was an exciting time, a little awkward at first, but exciting nonetheless. Even though Skype is great, it’s still not the same as seeing each other face to face, not just through a computer screen. I could hardly believe the Maynards were here!!! It seemed too good to be true.

We made our way to the car rental place and stood around talking while Dad and Bro. Buddy made arrangements for the car they would use during their stay. Amazingly, we were able to fit all the Maynard’s luggage and the four big totes they brought us in our van. What a blessing that was! We had an interesting conversation on the way home about limbs being accessories and you don’t really need them to live. We have the most idiotic discussions sometimes!!! You don’t even want to know. (chuckle)

As we pulled into our driveway, we welcomed the Maynards to their home away from home. They were greeted by a large sign that Lydia made for the front door, reading, “Welcome to the North, a.k.a., Yankee Territory.” (I wonder what the mailman thought. Ha!) The Maynards are from the South, and we are from the North, so we sometimes tease a little about that fact. On the living room door was some more fun stuff--some things I had made the night before.
Certain members of our families are klutzes, so I made a Klutz Club sign-up sheet, which guaranteed free painkillers upon registration. By the time the Maynards left the house, all our kids’ names were on that paper, because we had all committed a disastrous deed of klutzery at some point or another--stubbing our toes, knocking into something, spilling food, etc. We made Lydia and Clay president and vice president of the Klutz Club.

Then on the door there was also a “No School Here,“ sign, saying “You have entered the NO SCHOOL zone” for the benefit of Aaron and Josiah, who call themselves “the Aaronites.” Both boys referred to the sign several times to remind school-loving siblings and the adults that it was an illegal subject. (chuckle) The week actually held several surprisingly enjoyable conversations on the subject! I’ll get to that later.

Russell and I signed the Maynard-Huussen Peace Pact to avoid serious injury and possible murder during games (we are both competitive) and times when teasing could possibly become a little too much. What our siblings call “fighting” Russell describes as “intense moments of fellowship.” (chuckle) Thankfully for Russell, I wasn’t feeling too good most of the time that they were here, so I didn’t tease him to death like he thought I would.

We made a phone-drop box by the door. That’s another Maynard-Huussen joke. The Maynards’ phones never stop ringing. Running a boys’ home and a church keeps them on their toes constantly. When we’re on Skype talking and the phone rings, we just laugh because it’s an expected part of our time together. We’ve gotten to the point where we count the calls. The Maynards are in high demand…almost as popular as the President! (grin)

Then there was a Saturday night Pizza Party announcement, but that never did happen. We decided to postpone it until next time. (grin) It’s funny because I didn’t have great expectations of what our visit would be like, but there were some things that didn’t happen that I was thinking would, and others that did happened that I totally had not seen coming. It really was a blessed time. I wouldn’t change a thing! God knew best, as He always does.

After getting things settled down and eating a delicious lunch of asparagus soup, crackers, and fresh veggies, Dad and Bro. Buddy went to get a nap, Mom and Mrs. Chrissy talked in the living room, and all 6 of us kids sat in the kitchen and played games. Russell brought out the Dutch Blitz cards. Attorney Clayton Maynard III (Clay wants to be a lawyer, Lord willing) read the official Maynard-Huussen Peace Pact before we commenced the games. Russell signed the pact with encouragement from Mrs. Chrissy, and then the fun began. We played several games of Dutch Blitz, but I think we were all too tired to keep up with such a fast game. Several months ago I wrote a poem about our coming visit together, in which I boasted that I would beat Russell. Well, as it turned out, Aaron is the one who won the most games. Good going, Aaron!!! We decided to play Spoons, which is one of the best games ever. We taught it to the boys, and I think they liked it a lot. Before we even knew it, it was time to start thinking about dinner. Mom took the Savory Beef Casserole out of the freezer and put it in the oven. We moved out of the kitchen so there would be more room.

All of us kids gathered around the piano and Clay played for us. We practiced “I Am Not Ashamed” for a Sunday special. It was awesome! I love singing with those boys!!! The adults sat around in the living room and listened to us. Then Bro Buddy started telling us some moving stories about the hymns--about Philip Bliss refusing to leave his wife in the burning wreckage of a train. She told him to leave her and write more songs for the Lord, but he refused to let her die alone. They died singing songs of praise to God. We were all sorta teary-eyed and quiet for a few minutes as we contemplated those things. Then Mom said it was time to eat, so Dad asked Bro. Buddy to pray for dinner. Bro. Buddy thanked God that all of us kids could sing the song “I Am Not Ashamed” from our hearts while so many teens these days are afraid to stand up for what is right. He prayed that we would always serve God. That was a very touching prayer…one I will always remember.

Then it was time to dig into the food! The adults ate dinner in the living room up to a table we borrowed, and all of us kids sat in the kitchen. When everyone was finished eating, all of us kids cleaned up together in our crowded little kitchen. It was fun to have the boys help out so willingly. Real men do kitchen work without a fuss! I got a taste of what it would be like to have 3 extra brothers. I’ve always wished our family was bigger.

We were all sorta tired of sitting around, talking, and playing games, so the six of us decided to get some fresh air. We bundled up (all except Russell who declared he wouldn’t need a coat during the trip because he loves cold weather) and headed out to a field a few blocks away where we threw the football. Actually, the guys did most of the throwing and Lydia and I did the watching, except when thoughtful Clay would toss the ball to us the few times that it was passed to him. I think Aaron, Josiah, and Russell enjoyed showing off a little, because they seemed to hog the ball most of the time. Boys will be boys. (grin) Oh well. It was fun to see them having fun. Mom and Mrs. Chrissy stopped by to watch for a while as they went out for a stroll. The grass was very wet and the boys kept sliding around on it, which didn’t make for a good game. Soon it was too dark to see the ball, so we headed back to the house. Mrs. Chris and Mom were still out walking. It’s funny how the house suddenly feels stuffy when you’ve been out getting that wonderful fresh air!!!

Soon everyone was back in our snug little house, and black darkness had settled outside. Bro. Buddy had the boys bring in the totes from the garage, because Mrs. Chris wanted to take the liquids out. The Maynards and their church people bought us a whole bunch of stuff from the States--food that we can’t get here and then just gifts that they wanted to give us. It was exciting to unpack all the goodies. We are SO spoiled!!! God is good! Lydia and I went upstairs to try the clothes on and make sure they fit (they did!), and Mom called Mrs. Chrissy up to our bedroom to see. We sat on the beds and had “girl talk” and showed Mrs. Chris things that only females can appreciate. Guys miss out on so much in life!!! (chuckle)

After we were finished with the totes, the boys brought them back to the garage so we could move around the room again. (grin) It was very cozy! We gathered in the living room, lit candles, drank cinnamon tea, and talked and talked. What a blessing we had! As the evening grew later, the boys had a harder time staying awake; I felt bad for them, because I know how it feels. That jetlag is nasty! The tea perked us all up some, so all of us kids headed for the kitchen to play a game of Apples to Apples. We didn’t get to finish the game, because it was late. Soon we were picking up around the living room and pulling out mattresses and pillows and sleeping bags for the boys, who were going to camp out downstairs. Bro. Buddy and Mrs. Chrissy had Josiah’s room, and he moved into Dad’s office, because he is used to sleeping alone. That kid has got the makings of a bachelor! (chuckle)

And that was the end of the first day!

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