Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Maynards Visit! ~ Day 2

I was very tired come morning because I was up the whole night feeling unwell. That’s something I didn’t plan on! Sometimes life doesn’t make sense at all, but it’s those times that I need to just simply trust that the Lord knows what He’s doing, even though things look crazy to me.

We spent part of the morning in the kitchen talking and drinking hot drinks and trying to wake up. (chuckle) Bro. Buddy and Mrs. Chris came down a little later to join us. The boys played music and sang for us, and we sang along sometimes when we knew the song. I love listening to the boys!!! At one point I stated, “It’s been confirmed; you aren’t leaving!” They laughed. That became a frequent phrase throughout the remainder of their visit. It was just Wednesday and I already felt sad thinking that they wouldn’t be here in just a few days.

Mom and Mrs. Chris went upstairs to talk in Josiah’s room where Bro. Buddy and Mrs. Chris were staying, and Bro. Buddy and Dad “preached” to each other in the kitchen. (chuckle) They had some deep spiritual discussions, and being preachers, they both got very emphatic at times. (grin) All of us kids talked and sang and had fun in the living room. The guys sang so many nice songs. All the boys play/sing beautifully, and since I wish I could play as well as Clay, I keep teasing him that it is disgusting! Truly, it was like a little bit of Heaven had descended as we fellowshipped with each other. The bond we have in Christ surpasses blood relations. It’s amazing!

During the afternoon we all lounged around in the living room and talked about the Bible and the Lord, and talked and talked and talked. It was a blessing! Dad and Russell read the same Scripture that morning, and Dad shared some thoughts on Psalm 62. Then we knelt down and prayed together. It was a precious time.

By the time we were finished it was late. Mom and Dad went to pick up the graduation cakes we ordered from the health food store, and Lyd and I started dinner. Mom and Mrs. Chris planned to have a small graduation ceremony for me at church. (More on that later...) So, we were all busy getting things ready for the special event. The boys gathered around the piano and practiced “Standing at the Cross Roads” for the service that night, while Bro. Buddy sat in the kitchen and called about his phone connection. Mrs. Chrissy was snuggly in a blanket on the couch looking at Country Magazines. It was very homey. Once Mom and Dad got home, things really started happening fast. I went upstairs to practice my poem/speech and get my clothes and things ready.

Dinner was heavenly--chicken, Southern cornbread stuffing, buttered carrots, coleslaw, etc. Yum! I think the stuffing was a hit! That’s not a surprise though…the word “South” is in there! (grin) Since dinner was over, it was time for the cracking sessions. That’s one thing I don’t miss--the cracking. Russell, Clay, Aaron, Josiah, and Lydia all crack themselves, and I think it’s disgusting! Yuck! My bones crack, but I don’t crack them intentionally. I get so grossed out. (chuckle) That food tasted good after only having eaten a bowl of cereal all day! By the time the Maynards left we had all lost weight. We were so busy soaking up the fellowship that food was a last thought. We ate enough to give us the strength to get by and that was about it. What sweet fellowship we had!

All the kids worked together to get the kitchen cleaned up in a hurry. Then we all raced to get ready for church and the graduation! Mrs. Chrissy sweetly asked if I was nervous as we got ready to go. I was a little, but not as much as I should have been. I was taking things step by step. We all finished and slowly made our way to the living room. Mrs. Chrissy looked pretty. All the guys--6 in total--were dressed in their nice black suits. They looked sharp! Josiah got a new suite from the Maynards, and did he ever look dashing! We are especially thankful for the clothing the Maynards brought for Josiah. We can’t find suits for boys/young men here, and Josiah has shot up this year, so the church clothes we got in the States last furlough were getting tight. We were all standing outside waiting to leave for church when Mom pointed out in a hushed whisper that our neighbors were secretly watching from their windows. I guess they never do see people, especially young men, dressed up like that except for a wedding or funeral or something. It’s sad! People just don’t dress like they used to.

Once we got to the church building Mrs. Chris showed me where to stand and what to do and all that (for the graduation). Besides the usual Wednesday night crowd of Oscar & Geertje, Kees, Mischa and Hugo, the Kamps came for my graduation, the Maynards were there, of course. It was very special!!! Clay played the piano for the song service while I was in back with Mom helping me into my gown. Then Mom went and sat down, and I stood in the kitchen all ready to go, while Dad talked about home schooling, just waiting to make my appearance. Soon I was walking up the aisle with Clay playing “Pomp and Circumstance.” I stood up front as Russell, Clay, and Aaron sang that beautiful song “Standing at the Cross Roads.” I felt so nervous as I stood up there. Then as I scanned the crowed, Mrs. Chris winked at me as if to say I could do it, and that helped. Dad came forward and shook my hand and gave me my diploma and kissed me. Then I thanked my parents and siblings and the church that buys our schoolwork for us and the Maynard for all their help in getting me my diploma. I read a poem I wrote and memorized several months ago for this occasion. I felt nervous but at the same time calm inside. However, I was relieved when I could sit down, and then Clay preached a message entitled “Success--God’s Way.” Russell preached a message called, “Don’t Let Your Lamp Go Out.” It was good preaching!!! Afterwards we had cake. Mrs. Kamps approached me with tears in her eyes and congratulated me. She gave me a beautiful necklace, Hugo and Mischa gave me a large bouquet of pink roses and little white flowers. Mrs. Chris gave me a gift of $. I felt so special. Soon only the Maynards, the Kamps, Hugo, and Mischa were at church. We all fellowshipped together, and Russell and Clay took turns playing the piano. It was a blessing! Annika, who was getting tired, snuggled on my lap while I talked with Alisah. We left the church very late.

We warmed up leftovers and ate cereal upon getting home. All of us kids sat in the living room, where the adults usually sit. We talked and laughed and joked. We were starting a game of Apples to Apples, but our parents said it was late and we needed to clean the kitchen before going to bed. We were disappointed, but it was way past midnight. What a very, very nice day!

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