I had my personal devotions, got a shower, and headed downstairs. I found Russell and Josiah in the kitchen and ate breakfast with them. Bro. Buddy sat on the couch reading his Bible, and the others were busy elsewhere. The three of us laughed together because of the “No School Zone” sign on the door. The subject was brought up many times. Russell said he couldn’t believe how much stuff we have been through (as far as school) and we must be relieved to know what we know now. I really was (and still am)! It’s nice when you think you’re dumb and find out you’re not as dumb as you thought. The boys seemed really happy for us last night when it all came out. Aaron kept saying that he only has so many PACES to do, and he is going to ask his parents to come back here for his graduation present. That’s fine with us! All six of us kids kept saying that we wished we could visit longer. We soaked up the fellowship like dry sponges.
Dad said we were supposed to leave the house at 8:30 AM, but we actually left a bit later than that. We all waited around in the living room in our Sunday best. I started practicing the songs for the service, since I knew we wouldn’t have time once we got church, because we would need to practice our specials. Russell picked up the guitar and played along with me. Then Dad came down and announced he was ready to go, which, in the Huussen household, means that everyone else should be ready to move out the door. Do I know my daddy or do I know my daddy? (chuckle) I was really looking forward to church, especially since I got to “show off” my best friends. (grin)
Once we got to church it was immediately go, go, go, although we did end up having enough time to do everything that needed doing before people began arriving. Josiah got the sounds system set up with the help of the boys, and then all of us kids gathered around the piano to practice. Our parents told us what needed to be adjusted on the sound board and all that. Josiah had to run back and forth because he had to sing and still keep an eye on the sound system as well.
Folks started arriving for church as we finished practicing. Little Daniel walked in and came right over to me. I pulled him up onto my lap and took his little coat off him, and he showed me his toy. I got to hold the baby (Nathan) before heading up to play the piano. Mischa and Russell played their guitars. The song service really went smoothly; I was pleased. I always get nervous when I know there’s an accomplished pianist in the crowd, because I know I don’t do things right. But, the Lord gave me grace.
Bro. Buddy, Russell, and Clay sang “It Is Well.” That was a blessing!!! On Saturday night when we were practicing for church all of us kids were having a hard time with our voices. They didn’t seem to want to cooperate. Russell had to sing a higher part when the guys sang “It Is Well,” so by the time the song was finished I could tell his voice was giving out. That was sorta scary because we still had to sing more songs. I motioned to him, asking if he needed a drink, and poured him a glass of water before making my way up front to play the piano again.
Then Bro Buddy got up to preach. He unexpectedly called his family up front to sing “There’s a Fountain Free.” We enjoyed that. Then Bro. Buddy preached about being thankful. What a message! The Lord knew…in the coming days I would need it!!! Here were his points:
We should be thankful for…
- The Blood that is powerful
- A Birth that will prevail
- A Bond that is permanent
- The Book that is preserved
- Brethren that are precious
- The Blessing of prayer
- A Battle that has a purpose
- A Burden for people
- The Blessed hope that is promised
- The Blessed home that is prepared

I guess Dad figured the service had been long enough, so he dismissed people to get coffee and snacks, and then he asked us to sing the rest of the songs we had practiced--“I Am Not Ashamed” and “How Beautiful Heaven Must Be.” I felt bad, because it didn’t seem like anybody really even cared to listen after all the time we had spent practicing, and the videos didn’t turn out too well because the kids were screaming and shouting in the background.
Everyone left early. When people aren’t staying for fellowship, I’m concerned. It seems like our church is in sleepy mode. Really bothers me. Our enemy is busy turning the hearts of the people from the Lord and making them cold and hard. Where is the fire? What is quenching the Spirit from doing a marvelous work? Dear God, strengthen the things that remain!!!
The Maynards and the Huussens hung out together after the service. Russell helped Josiah with the sound system, and we ate cheese sandwiches and chocolate-covered cookies--some of us eating them in one bite (ha!)--and talked together. Soon it was just our two families. Dad had a short meeting with Bro. Mischa and Bro. Hugo, and then we went home.
Lyd and I changed out of our Sunday clothes after walking in the door; in fact, we all did. (chuckle) Then we sat around and talked. I uploaded the pictures and videos from church, and we watched them while Bro. Buddy slept on the couch and Dad napped upstairs. The two tired preachers. One was tired from preaching and the other from holding a baby during the entire service so her mama could concentrate on the message. I wish I had a picture of Dad holding little Ilona. I think he will make a good grandpa someday. =)
Lydia made a funny ring tone for Russell of her telling him to answer his phone and calling him the big brute. I really don’t even know how that got started. Ha! Then we were talking about people having weird email addresses. Clay was saying that he likes it when people make theirs easy and just use their name. Then Russell and I got on him for saying that because we like our nickname email addresses. We talked about that in further detail. Then Russell got on me because he thought I had him write to my “junk” email address. I tried to convince Mr. Right that he was wrong about that. (Russell says it’s the first-child syndrome to be biased and think you’re right all the time; we both suffer from this “illness.” Ha!) You have to understand that this is an on-going joke. Clay, Lydia, and I tease Russell about thinking he’s always right and then he always turns the joke on me and says that I think I’m always right. Well, then Mom interjected, saying, “The Maynards rate!” In other words, why would Hannah give her friends her “junk” email address? I thought the subject was closed until Russell asked if he could check his email on my laptop. The Maynards used my laptop the whole time they were here, and I was glad to share it with them. Whenever Russell would ask to check his email I always harassed him by saying “No,” with a serious expression, which really meant “yes.” He would just sit there and look at me until I actually said that he could. (chuckle) Poor guy! Lydia knows me well; she just takes whatever she needs even when I do say no. (chuckle) I guess Russell doesn’t know me too well. I have a warped sense of humor at times. Anyway, I soon discovered why he wanted to check his email. He wanted to see if what I said was right, which I was. (grin)
Soon dinner was ready, and the boys sat themselves down at the table. Clay took the spot Russell usually occupied, so Russell gave Clay a hard time about taking “his seat.” During the short time that the Maynards were here we all sorta came to a silent agreement as to where people sat. Then we got the whole story about how one day Russell took over Clay’s seat after years of them having their own spots (…if I remember the story correctly). It was funny! I guess Clay was getting back at Russell. Well, I asked for plates to dish up the food and reached for Clay’s first, because he was the closest. Then Russell teased that that is why he wanted “his seat”--so he would be closer to the food. (chuckle) That made sense.
We had talked about watching “Resurrection,” a movie by Max Lucado, on Saturday night, but it got to be too late. Mrs. Chrissy really wanted to watch it, so the adults called us from our games into the living room to watch it with them. Meanwhile, I wrote little notes for the Maynards to read on the plane. Mom did that for us several years ago when she left to go to the States for a short visit, and I remembered how much we loved it. There is nothing like a handwritten note; it’s always interesting to see other folks’ handwriting. Unfortunately it was late and I was tired, so the notes weren’t as neat as I wanted them, but I figured it was better that than nothing, right?
When I came back downstairs everyone had decided to watch a war movie called “The Desert Fox.” Russell and I had a little spat--intense fellowship--about the word “nice.” As the movie started Russell said something to which I replied, “Nice,” in a bored tone of voice, which is a Russell thing to do. (It’s always fun to try out your “enemy’s” tactics on him…not that we are enemies, but we do enjoy picking on each other. grin) Russell said that it’s his word, to which I replied that he doesn’t have a copyright on it. Mrs. Chris and Mom laughed as they listened to us. Russell commented that I must be feeling better. Actually, I was feeling more myself…sorta. We munched on hot, buttery popcorn while watching the movie. Mrs. Chris curled Lydia’s hair, and I sewed my initials onto the cross-stitch I made Mrs. Chrissy for her birthday. It was a nice way to spend the evening, and very different from any other night. Dad suggested we pray together about the elections--that Obama would not get in the White House. That sounded like a good idea, so we all knelt in prayer. I can’t imagine what would happen if that guy was made president of the United States. God, have mercy!
Soon Dad told us it was time to go to bed. I was sad about that, but relieved too. The late nights and early mornings were slowly wearing on me, but I didn’t want to miss out on a single moment of fellowship so I pushed myself. I figured I could catch up on my sleep once our dear friends left. I cried myself to sleep.
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