Monday, October 20, 2008

The Maynards Visit! ~ Day 7

I woke up at 8:00 AM with a start. It was late! This was our last day with the Maynards and we didn’t have any time to waste!!! I had my devotions and then quickly got ready for the day. We all sat around in the living room and talked. Clay cracks me up. He told us stories about the little kids on their property; boy, I can’t wait to visit their place. Lord willing, we’re hoping to go to Florida next year. We’re trying to convince Dad to spend a few weeks down there. (Psst…PRAY!!!) Well, as I was saying, Clay is a wonderful storyteller. He is going to be a great lawyer someday. We Christians are going to need godly lawyers representing us in court as we battle our way through these dark last days.

The six of us had talked about going on another bike ride. We enjoyed Friday’s bike ride so much, but our parents decided it wasn’t a good idea. The boys needed to keep helping their mom with packing and all that annoying last minute stuff. (Packing is such a drag!) While they packed their things, I cleaned up in my bedroom; it needed attention! Soon everything was packed and things were ready. There were a few minutes when nothing was going on, so Russell joined me with the guitar as I played “For Those Tears I Died” on the piano. What a beautiful song! We had a slight misunderstanding about whether or not we were going with the Maynards to the airport. I was glad when it was decided we would go. The boys loaded the luggage into the cars, then we settled back to relax until the dreadful hour of 2:00 PM rolled around.

Dad made Bro. Buddy, Mrs. Chris, and Russell an egg for breakfast and the rest of us ate cereal or didn’t eat at all. I think we all had that terrible gut feeling, knowing that soon we would have to say goodbye. Russell and I were getting bored and wanted to play a game. Dad suggested we go outside and play ping-pong, but none of us wanted to move. We ended up playing Apples to Apples, which is what Clay wanted to play. That’s one game Russell doesn’t win. =)

Then we played Pit. I love that game! We had such a blast! Aaron and Josiah, the “Aaronites,” obviously made an agreement to help each other out. They were doing a little cheating, and that annoyed Russell, but he didn’t have a problem looking at other people’s cards to see what he needed. Russell, Russell, Russell!!! (chuckle) Finally Josiah realized he would never win the game, so he decided to be a winner at losing--meaning he tried to get the bear and the bull so he would get the highest minus points. My brother is nuts!!! (chuckle) Aaron made sure he supplied Josiah with the two losing cards, since they always made their way to Aaron for some odd reason. (uh-hum) Josiah made it up to -900 points. Then the adults told us we were being too loud, so we decided to play something else. Josiah moaned and groaned about not reaching his goal of winning at losing, so we gave him the last -100 points, and then he was the proud loser with -1,000 points to his name. Ha, ha!

We had a short break while Russell signed some books he bought for Dad and me, so I opened a candy bar and we ate some chocolate. Yummy! Clay really liked it. Then we played Spoons. I think the boys liked that one a lot. I won several games. Hurray! In an attempt to keep Aaron from winning, Russell would send a spoon flying across the table to me as he grabbed his. It was funny. Several times it ended up landing on the floor. By the time our visit was over and we were finished using the table for all our games, it had a few new (nail) marks on it. (chuckle) I love our kitchen table; you can tell that we have a lot of fun there. As they say, the kitchen is the heart of the home. Guys especially will agree with this. (grin and chuckle)

As we played games together we all came to the conclusion that we really are the best friends we have ever had. It was a mutual thing. That made my heart very glad!!! We played with one eye on the game and the other on the clock. The fearful hour of 2:00 PM rolled around. Bro. Buddy was napping on the couch and my parents and Mrs. Chris were talking. We held our breath and continued playing quietly, hoping the adults would continue to ignore the time. Alas, it was too good to be true. The clock struck 3:00 PM, and the dreaded words came. It was time to head for the airport.

Clay drove with us in the van on the way to the airport. We talked some, but it was mostly quiet. As we piled out of the car at the airport everyone was in a somber mood. Mrs. Chris told Mom the boys didn’t say a word in the car--they just stared out the window. As we walked to the airport with the luggage, the boys spoke once again about coming back. I really hope they can come back!!!

Once we got in the airport we stood around for a bit talking. Mom and Mrs. Chris sat on a bench while Dad and Bro. Buddy got a receipt at the car rental place. Russell tried to give us money. He said he knew he was going to be given a hard time about it, which he was right about. We wouldn’t take the money, but told him save it for a plane ticket--that would be the best gift he could give us. Josiah, of course, kindly offered to take the money for Lydia and me. That kid! =)

The men got back, and Dad said he had to move the van because he wasn’t parked in a good spot, so he hugged everyone good-bye. Tears filled my eyes and blurred my vision as I watched. How I despise goodbyes!!! You would think that after 13+ years of saying goodbye it would get somewhat easier, but it doesn’t. As I grow up and realize the many disappointments in life and the unexpected turn of events that can change everything in an instant, I think it only gets harder. Heaven grows more precious every day. Goodbyes will never be whispered beyond those golden portals. There is no pain or longing or separation. Tears will be wiped away and the ache of sadness will forever be a thing of the past. It is a haven of rest for all weary, care-laden souls. How beautiful Heaven must be!

Dad left and Mom and the three of us made our way with the Maynards to the area where they had to be. We stood around while Bro. Buddy and Mrs. Chris got the plane tickets at a machine. The six of us kids just looked at each other silently, feeling intense sadness. Both Lydia and I were fighting tears. Mom took a picture of us six kids together, and then it was time to say goodbye. I shook hands with the boys and Bro. Buddy, thanking him for bringing his precious family to visit us. Then I went to hug Mrs. Chrissy. The dam broke and my tears started flowing. There is something about a hug…I don’t know what it is. It must be a girl thing.

We stood back and looked at each other. Clay said he loved us. I responded that we love them too, but my voice was so choked up that nothing really came out except a pitiful croak. With tears on her cheeks, Mrs. Chrissy comfortingly said that we would see each other soon. Bro. Buddy said that we girls should come down and visit them. Then he teasingly added “And bring Josiah too!” That was sort of a joke, having to do with the “family” picture from Zaanse Schaans, because Josiah was standing off by himself. Bro. Buddy commented that it looked like the Maynards, the Huussens…and Josiah. Then Josiah teased back that he would have to see if the airlines took beasts on the plane. We laughed through our tears. God bless my little brother! He has the gift of knowing how to cheer people up when they are feeling down.

Then the Maynards left. We waved to them from across the room and then headed back to the car where Dad was waiting. The drive home was quiet, except for the sound of us girls crying. As we neared the house we started talking about the trip, and soon we were smiling as we remembered what a blessed time we had together.

It was hard to go into the house. There were reminders everywhere, from the Pit game the boys left with us, to the Klutz Club sign-up sheet and “No School Here” sign on the door. The house was quiet. Too quiet. As the evening wore on, the full realization hit me. No more games of Pit and Spoons late at night. No more laughter and teasing. The house felt empty. I couldn’t believe it was all over, and I felt a gaping void in my heart.

Still, I am grateful to God for the sweet time we had. It was precious!!! I have never felt so totally comfortable with company staying in our house. The Maynards are like family…better than family, actually! We have so much in common with each other. With both our families being in the fulltime ministry that certainly helps the bond we feel. The Maynards are very special to the Huussens! God is so good to give us such wonderful friends!


Anonymous said...

My name is Elsie Gibbs. The Maynards and Mrs. Karen have told me of you all! It's been such a joy to read some of you and your family's blogs and view your sites. I don't know if I've made it everywhere on all of ya'll's sites, but what I've seen, has been fun :)
Serving the KING,
Mrs. Elsie
2 Cor. 5:17

Anonymous said...

Hi Hannah
I like your blog, it beings back fun times, the last day was sad, but we well see y'all soon and if not this life, we will the next.
Your friend.

Hannah said...

Mrs. Elsie, (I like your name!)
Thanks for leaving a comment. I appreciate the encouragement.
I checked out your site; your kids are adorable!!!

Lord bless,

P.S. If you see Sarah Palin say "hey" for me! =)

Hannah said...


I'm glad you liked the posts. I wrote those mainly for your family. I knew it would be nice to remember all the fun times we had. We will have to do that again…SOON! =)
It was hard remembering the last day; I cried while writing the post. I miss you guys terribly!!! This has been a lot harder than I imagined it would be.
Last night I had a dream that we visited you in Florida. It was WONDERFUL! When I woke up I had that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Not fun! You guys are the best friends ever! We love you lots!!! =)

Your "big sister,"