The tangible, the visible is what must really be.
But, He who would be wise must see with different eyes,
We live by faith, where miracles should come as no surprise.
I believe to see the goodness of the Lord.
I believe the promises He gave us in His Word.
I don't need to know the outcome of His plan.
I will trust His ways, though I can't see His hand.
We're looking for a city that's not made by human hands.
We're living for a purpose that so far exceeds our plans.
When trials take their toll beyond what we control,
We rest upon the Faithful One, the Keeper of our souls.
I believe to see the goodness of the Lord.
I believe the promises He gave us in His Word.
I don't need to know the outcome of His plan.
I will trust His ways, though I can't see His hand.
In the van on the way to church last night I read some verses the Lord has recently given me, and on the way home I silently thought about things as I looked out the window…about the preaching, and I pondered the sweet promises and assurance the Lord has given me. Since it’s winter, it is dark outside by the time we’re driving home. A thick mist fell as we drove closer to home. The lights from the highway and the car lights ahead lit our way, but other than that it was very hard to see what was ahead. Off to my right, beyond the yellowish lighting of the highway, the fields were shrouded in a dense fog. It felt slightly eerie, but inside my heart, I felt the joy of the Lord and His warming comfort as I meditated on Him and His wonderful works.
And then I thought about how often life is just like that. All around me are unknown and frightening circumstances looming ahead in the darkness. I don’t know the way that lies before me. It is just as dark, misted over, and foreboding as the Dutch countryside we were passing by. But, even though the future might look a little scary with its uncertainties, I believe to see the goodness of the Lord. His soothing assurance fills my soul.
A few words of the song above ran through my mind. I sat in the van wracking my brain trying to piece the words together. Then, as if the Lord knew my thoughts (I believe He did), I suddenly heard the song, and caught the words I was trying to think of. Josiah was sitting behind me, listening to “I Believe to See” on his itouch. For just a second I heard it, and then he must have turned the volume down…or something. But it didn’t matter, because suddenly I knew the song I was thinking of. The words began filling my mind. I quickly turned on my own mp3 player and listened to the song. (It’s the one I got for my birthday. I used my mp3 player for the first time on Sunday morning. I really like it! I’ve already learned something new in my 21st year!!! And without Josiah having to guide me step-by-step. I’m proud of myself! (chuckle)
I believe to see the goodness of the Lord.
I believe to see… What do I believe to see? I don’t know what my future holds. It is dark and unknown, but by faith, which is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of unseen things, I believe to see the goodness of the Lord. You know where that line comes from? Psalm 27:13, which happens to be my favorite Psalm. “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.” I can’t see what lies ahead, but I can trust that my Father has everything under control. He knows the way that leads to the “exceeding abundantly”--the things He longs to give me, the things that surpass my grandest hopes and wildest dreams. I need only to follow…and then I will see the goodness of the Lord.
I believe the promises He gave us in His Word.
And the very next verse after Psalm 27:13 says, “Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.” That’s a promise! Wait and be of good courage, and the Lord will strengthen your heart. That is a promise! I wish I could share all the beautiful things God has been telling me in His Word lately. Sometimes I feel like I could burst with joy. God is speaking to me! His promises strengthen me, and the sweet assurance of His leading hand cheer my heart. I believe the promises He’s given me in His Word! They are more precious than gold!
I don't need to know the outcome of His plan.
Sometimes when my faith fails, I become impatient, and long to know what lies ahead. I want to get a peek into the future. But this is wrong. I don't need to know the outcome of His plan. I trust that God is doing things that I know nothing of. He is accomplishing His perfect will, in His own way, in His own timing. If I knew what was ahead, I would only get in the way. I would ruin God’s perfect plan. I don’t need to know the outcome. I just need to trust.
I will trust His ways, though I can't see His hand.
It is my duty not to worry and fret about tomorrow, but simply to trust God’s ways, though they are foreign and strange to me. Though I walk in present darkness, unable to see the Lord’s guiding hand, I can trust that the way on which He leads me is a safe and happy one. Why? Because God is with me. I have been assured that He will never leave me or forsake me. Whatever lies before me, though I cannot see His hand, I can trust the loving heart of my Father.
I believe to see the goodness of the Lord!!!
Wow! Great post, Hannah! I've been thinking the exact same things just put my thoughts into words! It must be the "sister brainwaves" thing. =D
I love ya, deary!
That song is beautiful! I love it :)
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