Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Where There's a Will, There's a Way

Some woman say they can't play sports, ride a bike, or even clean in a skirt...

Here is one of those women now. She is about to plunge to her death in the rocky ravine below, because she "can't do anything in a skirt." It would be useless for her to attempt to save herself.
After all, if you have a skirt on, and you're virtually helpless!

P.S. A skirt has never hindered me from doing anything in the 20 years that I have been alive. I've never had need of a pair of pants. Where there's a will, there's a way! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Hannah, you're so true. Women keep telling you cannot do a lot when you wear a skirt or dress, but I have no trouble at all, doing cleaning, gardening (most horrible thing to do in a skirt if you have to believe other women, even ladies) riding a bike or anything else. I even outrun my chilrden in a dress, when needed. Hé in the old days women did all these things and evenmore, so (at least the ladies) quit wining and be graceful, be a witness for your Lord and Saviour and prove all other women you can even wear a dress or skirt in the hardest labour if you wear it to the Lord's honor.